Saturday, August 18, 2007

What a week or so...

Last Monday was my twins' birthday. I was shocked when my mother called to tell me she was thinking about me and wanted to make sure I was ok. (I was, until she called.) The next day we were at the WIC office getting Jackson recertified and picking up his special milk. Jay (11) decided to show his ass and embarrassed me the entire time with his arguing and attitude. The next day (Wednesday) he did the same thing while at Rutledge towers when I had to take Jackson for a hearing test. He argued with me as we walked the halls of MUSC. It was all I could do not to just beat his ass. But I don't spank. Instead he spent the entire day in his room, aside from meals.

I don't know what's gotten in to him but he's had such a horrible attitude lately. He doesn't realize that I can make his life a living hell until his attitude improves. Since I don't spank, he loses all his privileges. And he HATES that.

The other kids are fine. Jay and Justin start school on Tuesday. I HATE where Justin will be. His entire school is being bussed to the Ron McNair building on Spruill Avenue. If I wanted my child to go to school on Hooker Avenue, I'd live in that area! We went last night to Meet the Teacher. And while it really isn't in the worst area of Spruill, parking sucks, so it destroys our tradition of me taking the kids to school on their first day. There's no where for me to park to walk him to his class. I absolutely HATE that!

Jay will be going to WAMS, I can drive him but I would have to drag Korinne and Justin with me since Jimmy will have gone to work by then. And this year, Jay is required to wear khakis and burgundy or maroon colored shirts. I'm fine with the shirts, even though I haven't been able to find any. But I hate khakis. My boys stain them the first time they wear them! I cannot afford to buy new shorts or pants every week! I much prefer the navy blue that's usually allowed with uniforms.

Jackson will be 2 on Saturday. And I still have people assuming he's turning a year old. He's small. Still wears size 12 months and some 6-9 months. He's been holding steady at 20 lbs for 3 months, so I finally bought him a big boy carseat, which he LOVES! Since he had a tube put in his left ear in June, he's been trying to talk more. And signs wonderfully for more, eat, milk, all done and thank you. He does talk more than he signs. But he gets frustrated when he babbles and we don't understand what he's trying to say. But we'll get there.

So that's me now. Nothing interesting. Just my life. LOL


JanetLee said...

Do you think he (Jay) is upset or scared about starting middle school and that is why he is acting out? My son almost always used me as a "safe" target when he was scared about something.

Just a thought. Hope it all gets better!

Sunnie (Kaytee) said...

What an excellent thought, JanetLee. I would never have thought of that. I will sit down and try to talk to him and see if that's a reason.

Ami said...

I'm wishing you success with the school year for both the boys.

The khaki pants thing is stupid. Not only are they butt ugly, they're uncomfortable.

I homeschool because I don't like khaki pants.



Sonia said...

11 for a boy, is like 10 for a girl. Pre pubescent attitudes. Fun Fun!

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