Tuesday, September 19, 2006

What do you think?

Jimmy says Jackson needs a hair cut. I have never had to take any of my kids for a hair cut before the age of 2. This is Jackson normally. With his helmet on and his hair hanging over the top. This is Jackson without the helmet. He has more hair than my others had at his age. I don't want to get his hair cut. Right now, since he wears the helmut 23/7 I don't see why I should cut his hair. It's not in his eyes. What do y'all think? Should I bite the bullet and take my angel for a haircut?


Titusina Andronica said...

Long hair for boys is in, man!

Ami said...

I think he's adorable with the hair hangin' out over the top of his helmet.

When my son was about that age, he had pretty blonde curls. I didn't even consider cutting his hair. Ladies in the grocery store would say, "Ohhhh, she has the most beautiful curls!!" And I would smile.

First time that happened when we were out with hubby, he asked, really nicely, for me to either cut his hair or get someone else to do it.

My baby boy has never had beautiful blonde curls again. Since he's 19 now, I think it's unlikely that he ever will.

Ami said...

I think he's adorable with the hair hangin' out over the top of his helmet.

When my son was about that age, he had pretty blonde curls. I didn't even consider cutting his hair. Ladies in the grocery store would say, "Ohhhh, she has the most beautiful curls!!" And I would smile.

First time that happened when we were out with hubby, he asked, really nicely, for me to either cut his hair or get someone else to do it.

My baby boy has never had beautiful blonde curls again. Since he's 19 now, I think it's unlikely that he ever will.

Sunnie (Kaytee) said...

Lol, Ivy, I'm with you!

Ami, when Justin was a baby, he had hardly any hair, but he had those big green eyes and deep dimples when he smiled that he was always mistaken for a girl. One night when Justin was about 9 months old, we were out and this old man came up and says, "Oh what a pretty little girl!" Jay, in all his five years of age, was outraged. He said, "That is NOT a little girl. That is my baby BROTHER!" LOl Again Justin had very little hair and was wearing an outfit with footballs all over it.
I don't care if Jackson is mistaken for a girl. I refuse to get his hair cut. LOL