Saturday, December 01, 2007

10 Things

Came across this while perusing my friends' blogs. This is from my friend Sonia.

  1. The number of bottles of water I’ve drank today.
  2. The number of alcoholic drinks I've had so far.
  3. The number of times I went to the store I work at to buy something.
  4. The number of children I'm raising.
  5. The number of people I can truly count on.
  6. The number of babies I've given birth to.
  7. The number of jobs I've ever had.
  8. The number of hours I spend cleaning in any given day.
  9. The number of jeans I own...and not all fit. LOL
  10. The number of days I usually work in a 2 week period.

So who's next....tagging Ami, for sure. LOL Cause I know she regularly reads my blog. LOL

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