Monday, October 09, 2006

My decision for now...

I've said before that I don't like confrontation. I choose to live in my own little world. Wrong, I'm sure. But after thinking on this all day, I've decided for now I won't drive Jay and Justin to school every morning. If I do that, those women will feel they've intimidated me and won. Instead I will go to the bus stop every morning as usual. I will continue to prevent the bigger kids from cutting in line and trampling over Justin. If those women feel the need to confront me again, as soon as I see them coming, I will make two calls. One to Jimmy to join me, the other to the police. If their children continue to cut in line and trample over Justin, I will call the school and complain as well as the office to the complex we live in. They want to bring violence into it, I'll go the legal route and bring the police into it. My father-in-law is a retired officer and I'm sure he still has friends on the force. They can threaten me all they want. The first time they lay a hand on me, I'm pressing charges. I hate to be that kind of person, but if I back down and take my children to school each morning, what is that teaching them? To back down and allow themselves to be intimidated. We're trying to teach them to stand up for themselves. How can we teach them that if I back down?


Daniel said...

Hang in there. Sorry about the ugliness.

Sunnie (Kaytee) said...

Thank you, Dan. All was fine this morning. No sign of either women at the bus stop or on their balcony. I just got back from informing the office here what happened. Just in case, I want something onrecord.
When two other parents who are usually at the bus stop found out what happened they were irate. So it's good to know I have winessess. LOL

Margo said...

I think you're doing a good job at handling things, Sunnie.

Sunnie (Kaytee) said...

Thank you, Margo. I can only do my best. :) But it feels good hearing it from friends.